Critical illness insurance

Critical illness insurance is designed to create a tax-free lump sum payment of up to $2,000,000 soon after the onset of one of up to 25 critical illnesses (e.g. heart attack, cancer, stroke, MS etc.) A critical illness policy pays you regardless of your ability to return to work and is paid independent of your disability coverage.

One of the attractive options available is the return of premium option. This option states that as long as you have not claimed, you may elect to exercise the refund of premium option with some policies as soon as the fifteenth policy year!

We recommend that you review your critical illness insurance every few years to ensure that you have the most up to date definitions and policy provisions. Please call us today if you wish to review your current policy and/or your insurance needs.

√ YES, I WANT A DISCOUNT On critical illness INSURANCE 

Levine Financial Group has worked with 19 Ontario Medical Associations and Hospitals where we negotiated a discount of 25% on disability insurance, 10% on critical illness insurance, cost savings on term life insurance. The current dividend rate as of April 2023 with Sun Life whole life insurance is 6.25%.

We Save Physicians Money on their insurance.

P: 416-222-1311 I 1-877-314-1311  I E: INFO@LEVINEFINANCIALGROUP.COM

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